Sunday, November 18, 2012


"Using the web to teach yourself something"

I chose how to make the 'perfect' brownies. I started on my Pinterest page because I knew I had some different recipes on there. It was easy, there were tons to pick from. I picked one from a guy's blog. He even had a Youtube video to watch if the instructions weren't clear enough. He claimed in would take two minutes to make them, which wasn't how long it took me.. I had to go get the supplies and then preheating the oven took a while. I could comment back on his blog about how the brownies turned out, if I had any suggestions for the recipes, if I had any ideas for making his instructions more clear. I could use this for student learning purposes. They can learn about lots of things from class on their own. In the lesson plan, I had them look up information about the dissection. I could use it to teach myself things as technology advances so I don't fall behind. I could also find lots of ideas for lesson plans online.

How to Make Perfect Brownies by Drew Hime available at  


  1. I think you had a good idea to use tutorials like the brownie one to teach yourself new and advanced technology. I think it is imperative for teachers to stay knowledgeable about the technology that their students are using.

  2. Having students look up information is an awesome idea! Would you have them share/present with the class or just send you a link?

  3. Pinterest and youtube are fantastic tools for people to use to teach themselves new things. I think this is a great idea to integrate into the classroom too. In one of my classes we used a video to display the anatomy of the ear, which was played in class several times. After this blog I considered how I used this same video and others at home to study, to further teach me about the ear. I think it is a good idea for teachers to use this technology and to encourage students to study in this way by posting videos about topics covered in class.

  4. I agree with claire that pinterest and youtube are great tools to teach themselves new things. I talk about in my blog how my pinterest cookies failed me. So we have to be careful we always follow the instructions or failure can easily happen.
