Monday, March 4, 2013

Sophomore Year-Second Semester

So this semester has been a lot of work! I am not the biggest fan of writing papers! I want to ask my professors for some books that are "must reads" for either their subject matter or education/teaching in general. If anyone knows any books please comment, I will add them to my summer reading list!
A couple things I wanted to talk about and remind myself to talk about later when I have more time to blog..
METR 200- My professor is very nice. Periodically he hands out little squares for us to write questions we have about the material we are going over and hand it in. I think this helps people who are too shy or embarrassed to ask out loud in class (especially since it is like 60 students..) He also ties in current events which I think makes it a lot more interesting. He doesn't use a lecture made from the book word by word. He writes his own and refers back to book. He provides lecture outlines online that we can print out and fill out during class. It helps me to know what is important to write down. He has two bigger homework assignments due at the end of the semester, but if you turn them in early (it is a certain date that I don't remember) then he gives you bonus. I think this is good because it prompts students to get it done sooner which helps with their studying as well as gives you more time to grade. He also has links and "modules" where we could go to learn more about meteorology if we wanted to.
TEAC 331? 330?- I can't remember what number this class is...but all of my professors are nice so I guess I don't need to say it everytime. It has been a good academic year for the professors I have been getting. REMINDER-talk about group work problems, group discussion (talking freely and respect), and ethics in teaching later. He does a great job of writing lots of feedback on our papers, you can tell he spends lots of time actually looking at them. He allows you to rewrite any paper for two weeks after you get it back. I think this is great, if you learned from his feedback and can make your paper better..shouldn't your grade reflect that?
BIOS 101-Lots of study opportunities. There are supplemental instruction times outside of class two times a week. He had a "how to study for exams in general" session. He holds reviews before every test. He has three videos that students watch, they must at least attend two and write papers about them. If you attend and write about all three then it is bonus. The viewing so far was about parasites. I think it is a good way to bring in an interesting part about biology. There are study questions due every week, which is good because it keeps the students reviewing the material. REMINDER-talk about keeping up with syllabus and falling behind
ATHC #-Coaching Track-LOVE this class. By far my favorite! But it is about track..what isn't to love? Plus the teacher was also a cross country coach so it focuses a lot on distance..another plus. REMINDER-talk about this class, guest speakers, enthusiasm, confidence in subject matter

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